What runners are saying:



When I meet Coach Mary in June 2013 I had been following a generic running plan for over a year & was getting no where fast! Mary took me under her wing & began breaking down my bad habits all the while she built my running confidence. Many miles of practice & PR’s in many races in many distances as I learned what training cycles were. Mary has been my coach for 7 years and has coached me in the following distances: 5k, 5 miles, 10k, 10 miles, Half-Marathon’s & my first Full Marathon (which I never thought I could do). 
Mary knew I had more ability in me than I did & she wasn’t just coaching me about running. Mary also encouraged & mentored me to further my education & as a result I have become certified in the following.... personal training, nutrition coach, behavior changes in exercise, osteo & myofasial release & a run coach thru RRCA. She showed me it was okay to dream again & has changed my life forever! In Mary I found a running coach & a lifelong friendship. 

-Denise Powers


Mary and I met at the Boston Marathon Expo back in 2018. We hit it off instantly, and although she was in TX and I live in Boston, she was able to train me virtually. I shared my runs through the Training Peaks app and we also stayed in contact through calling and texting. Despite the distance, everything felt very personal and suited for my needs (and constantly changing schedule!). I'd already run a few marathons casually before I began working with Mary but once I started training with her, I got much faster and the runs felt more comfortable. In my first race after training I cut an hour off my marathon finish time and qualified for the Boston Marathon with a 3:19 finish time. 

She is incredibly attentive and a great coach in all aspects of life. She genuinely cares about each person she works with and takes the time to get to know you as an athlete and as a person to help create the best possible training. Since we began working together, I've run 2 marathons, and look forward to some different types of races down the line. I've got my eye on a few Spartan races and other obstacle course races, and she's more than willing to help me transition to these new races! I can't thank her enough for everything she's done for me!

-Breezy Beaumont



Mary has been a wonderful resource and really took a chance on me when I told her I wanted to run a marathon with a background in only 5Ks! Long distance coaching has been so easy with weekly phone calls and texting to keep us on the same page and keeping me motivated.  Mary has always gone out of her way to help anytime a problem arises. From setting up conversations with professionals that helped with my injuries, to being a shoulder to lean on – she does it all. Her passion for her runners is apparent. She turned me into a true “marathoner” and I was able to get to the starting line injury-free and finish in 4:07. I am so thankful my sister and I met Mary in Boston and that we were able to form such a great relationship that has extended beyond running!

-Adelle Beaumont



Finding a running coach for my 2019 Marathon was a good idea. Choosing Mary to be that coach, one of my greatest decisions. She has kept me motivated and on track. She helps me to reach goals that I never thought my body/mind could reach and holds me accountable.  I have a PR on my 2nd Marathon by almost 19 minutes, I never could have accomplished that without Mary’s guidance and support.  My goals continue to grow and Mary is right there beside me!  It’s not just about running...it’s about friendship, enjoyment, rest and taking care of yourself.  Mary has shown that to me. 

-Melinda Ardoin 



Mary Carter’s knowledge, support, and training recommendations help me to significantly reduce my Marathon Times by over 20 minutes and become a stronger, confident, and more consistent runner.  If you are seeking a coach who is engaged, disciplined and attentive to improving running skills (without a cookie cutter plan), Mary will help!

-Larry Batton



Mary Carter started run coaching me after I had my second child in May 2015. Not only has she helped develop me as a runner she has pushed and encouraged me to be much faster than I ever expected. She is very involved and hands on. She always shows up with a smile to help you however she can! I am thankful for her experience, dedication, friendship and for believing in me as an athlete. 

-Landa M. Wright



“Running gives me time to think. It reminds you that even at you’re weakest moments, you are strong. That there is no failure in anything you set out to do in life, as long as you keep moving.”

Mary Carter helped me at my lowest point in life where I thought very little of my abilities. She taught me that through hard training and dedication cane results. And because of her I learned something about myself and my abilities. She is not only my run couch, but she is also my mentor and my dearest friend.

- Tiffany Haidar



Whether you are looking to qualify for Boston, get a podium finish or just trying to keep or get fit, Coach Mary Carter can help you reach your goals. Not only does she have many years of coaching experience she is a certified coach that knows “what, how, and why” to tailor your training plan to fit your needs. Not only did I get what I feel is a great coach, I have gained a good friend. 

When you train with Mary she will give you as much or as little guidance and feedback as you want. I have always found her to be extremely accessible. When you sign up, you become like family to her and she truly cares about all of her athletes. I couldn’t be happier and know she can help you like she has me

-Greg Nettleton



Mary coached me for my 4th marathon, London. Knowing how special running my hometown marathon was to me, she ensured I was physically ready and mentally focused. As a coach and friend she was readily available throughout the process; she constantly reviewed and adjusted my training schedule to take in to account my work and travel schedule, while still keeping me on track. I felt extremely well-prepared and was able to enjoy and take in every moment of the race. I can’t thank mary enough for her guidance, support and friendship. 

-Julie Pearce 



I met Mary through a friend of mine who I started running with. I had really enjoyed running in the past, but never actually took myself seriously as a runner, with any kind of speed or potential. At first it was just to bond with a new friend and get some new exercise. My friend was already a client of Mary’s and had successfully completed a marathon back in September of 2018. When she asked me to train with her for a half marathon and follow her runs, I thought “sure, maybe I’ll do some with you... there’s so way I’m getting up at 4:30am in the middle of winter to run 8 miles...” little did I know what was growing inside of me.

I started enjoying running more than for just the physical exercise and time with friends, but my body actually felt good! Mary offered to take me on as a client and anytime I had a question, complaint or issue Mary was impressively fast to respond. I thought it might be challenging having a coach who was not physically near me, but Mary made it easy to be in contact with her whenever I need. I was impressed with her ability to coach, provide support and maintain her own lifestyle! 

Mary explained running to me in a new way and provided me with routines and runs to help me strengthen an ability I didn’t know I had. My running cadence improved as well as my speed and overall performance. I ran further and faster than I thought I could and without any injuries. Mary has a great sense of humor and a huge heart. Even though I didn’t get to see her in person, she was an amazing coach. I would recommend Mary to anyone looking to step into some running shoes to see just what they might have inside of them!

-Janna Hruby